If you’ve spent any time with me, you know that is one of my favorite questions. I want to know what is filling you up. At the end of the day, if you had to do a ton of stuff that took energy out of your tank, what was one thing that poured some new in?

In this season, I think it’s super-important that we know this about ourselves. If we know what fills our tanks, we are able to be intentional about carving out time to make sure it happens. It’s all part of the good stewarding of the bodies, hearts and souls that God has entrusted to us. And keeping the needle on my tank on the F side, instead of hovering on E, is a good investment in the Kingdom for the long haul too.

But what usually fills my tank is different from what is filling my tank during this season. I love people. Usually, I can easily schedule appointment after appointment at my neighborhood Panera and feel refreshed after a day with people. Even if the times were filled with gut-wrenching, heart-pouring-out, stinkin’ hard moments. But man!!  Doing those on Zoom is a whole new kind of take-the-starch-out-of-me endeavor! Am I right?

I have had to find new things, or perhaps old things that I’ve forgotten, that fill my tank. Things that bring me joy. Things that make my soul breathe, rest and replenish.

In our Alongside cohorts, we’ve gotten to talk with many of youabout what is bringing you joy in this season.  I’d LOVE to share some of your ideas and to hear from some of you we haven’t connected with yet. Here are some popular ones:

Long walks with the dog – or husband – or both
Getting take-out
Trying new recipes
Having some time to read/study/do things I’m normally rushed to fit in

Oh, and by the way, one of the things I’m rediscovering is my love for creating – creating jewelry specifically. It’s been a long time, but it’s been fun to be creative again.

So. Today. What is filling your tank?

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