Our Resources

The Seduction of Impressing – Reflection on Acts 3

The Seduction of Impressing – Reflection on Acts 3

The admiration of people is such a dangerous trap for me. It always has been and maybe it always will be. I was the oldest so there was always that natural propensity for jumping through the hoops and being a rule follower. But it seems like it got out of hand and,...

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A Torrential Downpour – Reflections on Acts 2:5-21

A Torrential Downpour – Reflections on Acts 2:5-21

I talked to my parents yesterday.  They live in Ohio and are being deluged with huge amounts of rain from the hurricane that is hitting the coast.  It’s hard for us here in Colorado to imagine, but think of five or six days of constant rain.  Not just misting or fog...

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Rolling Dice and an Invitation – Reflections on Acts 1

Rolling Dice and an Invitation – Reflections on Acts 1

"I just haven't heard from the Lord yet.  I don't know whether He wants me to take the job in Denver or the one in California.  I just want to be where God wants me.  Why won't He just tell me???" I could almost see her wringing her hands through my cell phone.  Her...

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Getting Unstuck

Getting Unstuck

If you've spent any time with me at all, you know I love a good question.  A question that gets right to the heart of what's important and helps us discover a new insight about who God is or who we are.  So, I was excited to remember this little gem! I pulled this out...

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Walking With Hindsight

Walking With Hindsight

We sat together… waiting for tomorrow to come. My dear friend, “Terri,” and I had sat here on her couch for many mornings, pleading with the Lord to do “whatever it takes” to bring her daughter back to Himself. We had watched as her anger fed a rebellion that came out...

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Keeping our Focus – Lesson from an Arctic Tern

Keeping our Focus – Lesson from an Arctic Tern

I love summer because it usually means travel for our family.  Sometimes that's just around the midwest as we travel wherever God has had my husband, Craig, speaking.  But sometimes it's more adventurous - like last week.  We got to spend a week on the coast of Alaska...

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Experiencing God’s Presence

Experiencing God’s Presence

Craig and I have an ongoing conversation about finding rest.  We don't do it very well by nature - not that we aren't lazy at times - but we tend to be pretty driven.  As I have been thinking about God's call for us to rest, I've realized that I've had some wrong...

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3 Cautions About Wall-Building

3 Cautions About Wall-Building

It wasn’t the first time I’d heard it.  An older ministry wife had actually admonished me during our first year of marriage and ministry about this same thing that I was hearing now.  What was framed as “encouragement” was actually a firm warning that I would...

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Why Seize Joy?

So much has been written lately about joy. How to find it. How to keep it.  How to cultivate it. And how to practice it. We seem to run after it more than at any other time in history, according to how often it is the subject of articles, books and blog posts. So it...

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Subtle Exodus – Why 20-somethings are leaving the Church

Subtle Exodus – Why 20-somethings are leaving the Church

“I don‘t need a church, I need a family.” I’d watched her spend the last 6 years since high school in and out of church, trying to figure out where it fit into her new life as an adult. She’d gone from telling God to “forget it” to realizing that He was the only One...

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