Our Resources
Growing in Resilience: Finding and Strengthening Your Team
When someone goes through trauma, we gather around them. We cry. We laugh. We bring food. We pray with them. So why is it so hard for us to understand that we need these things occasionally too, especially after walking alongside so many that are hurting? “I’m just...
Growing in Resilience: The Importance of Off-Loading
There are days when I am thrilled at having the front row seat to what God is doing in our Body. There are other days when that front row seat seems to turn into an overloaded doorstep. Here’sa snapshot of my doorstep this last month. “I know we haven’t seen each...
Growing in Resilience – Getting a Handle on Control
As I grow in leadership, I’ve been forced to come to grips with what I want to control. The more I understand about what I was designed by God to control and what I wasn’t, the better I am able to bounce back when my world doesn’t go as I would like. This concept is...
Five Practices of an Emotionally Mature Leader
Guest Writer: Tish Hedger When you think of emotional maturity what do you think of? Do you think of someone who doesn’t blink an eye at human critique, disappointments, relational hurt, strenuous schedules, or an unexpected bill? Some zen goddess whose inner thoughts...
When your husband needs emotional support
By Kathy Litton The well-worn word that marks many sentences during the COVID-19 crisis is “unprecedented.” The upheaval of an unimaginable nearly world-wide quarantine has shaken up almost every person, organization, company and system – including the Church. We are...
EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE: Neighborhood Gathering Conversation Outline (Covid-19)
This outline was created to facilitate online neighborhood gatherings during the Covid 19 quarantine. We discovered that neighbors who previously would not have gathered together to talk about struggles and heart issues, were now willing to do this and even...
EXCLUSIVE RESOURCE: Navigating This Season as a Pastor’s Wife
Being a pastor’s wife might be one of the hardest jobs out there with no job description. There are lots of expectations (from others and ourselves), but expectations don’t equal understanding. Expectations don’t help us find our space - that space God created us...
The Crippling Cost of Comparison
With so many questions swirling during this season of crisis, you’ve probably asked yourself this: What is everyone else doing right now? You and your husband have had to completely shift from what you were doing three months ago and are now operating in a completely...
Rare Jewel to Christian Contentment
A few days ago I found myself feeling discouraged and overwhelmed. It’s likely you’ve been there too at some time during the past few weeks. So many changes in a short time coupled with losses and uncertainty about the future...it’s enough to dampen even the most...
What Fills Your Tank?
If you’ve spent any time with me, you know that is one of my favorite questions. I want to know what is filling you up. At the end of the day, if you had to do a ton of stuff that took energy out of your tank, what was one thing that poured some new in? In this...
Searching for New Normals During a Pandemic
Guest Author: Shannon S. Mckee I’ve settled on my intention. I’m trying for some sense of normal. Get out of bed when the alarm goes off at its usual time. Find the scrunchie and pull the hair back. Slide on the slippers (the cute owl ones that I love). Stumble groggy...
Pom Poms and Preguntas (“questions”)
It hit a few days ago. We had been rolling pretty well with each new announcement about death tolls, reported cases, unemployment numbers, re-opening forecasts. But something was different today. My usually optimistic and “take the hill” husband was feeling the weight...
An Authentic Leader is Real
Life as a pastor's wife means we’re on display for all to see – which is a good thing. The Apostle Paul, himself, invited people to watch his life and follow his actions. Yet, sometimes that notion can be overwhelming or can catch us off-guard. Like when our youngest...
Staying Ahead of Cockroaches: ministry in the midst of healing
Isolation Betrayal Leading on Empty No time with my best friend- my husband Kids are object of everyone’s opinions Criticism Expectations Disappointing people Feeling like a "Ministry widow" Can you identify with these? Perhaps only a few or maybe several. There are...
Leading from the Heart
A few years ago my husband was asked to speak at a Pastor's/Wives weekend. One evening, when all of the wives were gathered together, I had a chance to talk with them about how they felt about their "calling". Did they view being a Pastor's wife as a burden or a...