How is it that most Christians are introduced to spiritual gifts by doing a test that 1) requires quite a bit of self-awareness and 2) is pretty easily skewed based on how I want it to turn out?  Especially in the early years of following Jesus, we all have ideas of what we want to be “our gift”.  It’s much harder to keep our eyes and hands open to allow God to show up through us as HE wishes.  Don’t you think?

I was introducing a gal I am discipling to God’s teaching on spiritual gifts.  I knew I wanted her to discover her gifts within the context of community, because the gifts are always given for the benefit of the Body (1 Cor 12:7).  I thought surely, with all of the spiritual gifts tests out there, someone has to have created a tool to help people get feedback from other mature believers that have watched them as they step out in faith.  Couldn’t find one – so here it is.  Feel free to make copies of Page 2 for your person to give to their circle of friends, family, people that know them well.  Find someone to use it with.  Helping someone unwrap their gift is one of the best things we get to do!!!

Discovering your gifts in community  Printable PDF

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